Garden tools to solve plantastic puzzles, meet eccentric vegetables and fruits, and take on treacherous fights against. After failing to pay taxes and getting evicted from your home, you must go on an epic quest to pay back your massive debt to Mayor Onion.
But low and behold, there are JavaScript libraries for these sort of things nowadays and no backend processing was required - which is good, as the uncompressed files were too large to send up/down all the time, or (alternatively) keep in memory server side during the session). In my opinion, this is an Atom problem, because Sublime asks you for root password when you try to save a root owned file. Take control of an adorable turnip who happens to be an absolute menace to society. Originally, I expect just to do just the front-end in JavaScript, and to have to fall back on a C# backend to do the more complex stuff (the unzipping and rezipping for example).

The website was written in my spare time over the course of three weekends: one to implement the code, one to drown it in CSS because 1995 wanted their DOS app back, and one for the YouTube videos and this written guide. After the battle was won, Oban returned the Atom and the Radion-Globe to Earth. The Atom finishes his story by boasting how he easily defeated Krommer Pavs minions and dumped the antidote into the chasm, rendering the poison gas inert. I'd been looking for a little project to refresh my JavaScript / HTML skills with, and writing an editor for ATOM saved games entirely in JavaScript seemed a suitable challenge. The Atom agreed to help save Davarian and, having shrunk sub-microscopically, travelled between the individual light photons of the cell.
Plus even experts find using the right tool for the job easier. Not everyone is comfortable with hex editors or recalculating file sizes. This guide was inspired by several 'how to edit saved games' blog postings that had a too high a barrier of entry for many users.

Coding / Website / Investigation / Additional Graphics - Dave B.